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All On Four Technique

All On Four Technique

The Newest Application in Implant and Prosthesis Treatment        

The all on four technique, a form of treatment developed in 2003, is a technique that is applied to patients who cannot use prosthesis due to excessive bone loss, and a fixed full jaw prosthetic restoration is performed on 4-6 implants on the same day as the surgical operation. All on four treatment, which enables the patient to use temporary fixed prostheses on the same day, provides patient satisfaction in terms of function and aesthetics.
All On Four treatment can be applied to all fully edentulous patients who do not have any systemic disease that may interfere with implant surgery and have sufficient bone volume.

How is All On 4 Treatment Applied?

Titanium screw mechanism in standard implants is used while applying all on four treatment. The biggest difference between traditional implant applications and all on four implant technique is that less implant material is used. While 8 or 10 implants are used to replace lost teeth in a completely edentulous jaw, only 4 implants are sufficient with this new technique.
When applying All on four, 2 implants are placed in the thickest part of the bone and 2 implants in the posterior part of the jawbone. While the front implants are placed at a 90 degree angle, the rear implants are placed at a 45 degree angle to ensure maximum stability. Then, bridges or crowns are placed on implants.
Before all on four dental implants treatment, temporary prostheses are prepared according to the measurements taken from the patient. If there are teeth to be extracted, implants are placed after extraction. Temporary teeth leave their place to permanent prostheses after 3 months.

What are the Advantages of the All On Four Implant Technique?

The all on four technique is often preferred because it allows edentulous patients to have dental prostheses on the same day. The advantages of all on four method, which also shorten the duration of dental implant surgery, are:

What are the Advantages of the All On Four Implant Technique?

The all on four technique is often preferred because it allows edentulous patients to have dental prostheses on the same day. The advantages of all on four method, which also shorten the duration of dental implant surgery, are:
  • It is an easy operation.
  • Since the number of dental implants applied is reduced and it does not require additional surgical procedures, its cost is lower than conventional implant treatment.
  • It gives an aesthetic smile because it is planned individually.
  • Cleaning and caring is easier than conventional dental implant over fixed dental prostheses.
  • Since it does not cover the palate of the patient, it is easier to get used to and use.
  • It is suitable for those who cannot use removable prostheses.
  • The treatment is completed in a short time.
All on four treatment is an operation that has a high success rate, short healing time and ends aesthetic concerns. For this reason, it is among the most advantageous implant and prosthetic treatment methods of today.

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Дата последнего обновления : 14/03/2025