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Possibility of Success in Root Canal Treatments Increases!

Apicoectomy is the external treatment of the root of the tooth in persistent root abscesses. Apicoectomy, which is performed by removing the root apex of the tooth and it's surrounding infected or pathological tissue, is often preferred in cases where root canal treatment is insufficient.
The apicoectomy procedure, which is performed by opening a small window over the jawbone in the areas where the tooth root and abscess are, is an application that takes 30 - 90 minutes and increases the patient's living standards. In order to perform apicoectomy, a treatment plan is created under the control of a dentist.
Conditions requiring apicoectomy
Apicoectomy; for cases where the root canal treatment is unsuccessful, situations where the patient cannot comply with root canal treatment sessions for various reasons, cases where the broken part can be removed and the tooth can be saved in the last trio of the tooth root as a result of trauma, cases, where biopsy should be taken from the tooth root lesion, baby teeth that do not have permanent teeth but have lesions in the root, must be applied.

How Is Apicoectomy Application Applied?

It will be advantageous for the patient to use an antiseptic mouthwash 1 day before apicoectomy is applied. During the procedure, the teeth are numbed first. Depending on the destruction of the tooth, the size of the lesion in the root, the bone surface is opened from the root apex area or from the border where the tooth and gingiva begin. After the apicoectomy is applied, the treated area is completely cleaned and the gingiva removed is sutured after the apex is filled. After a period of 3 months, the teeth will be completely healthy.

Advantages Of Apicoectomy Treatment

Apicoectomy, which is the supportive application of root canal treatment, increases the effectiveness of the treatment and enables the teeth to have their natural appearance. The advantages of apicoectomy treatment are:
  • It prevents tooth loss.
  • It provides treatment of deep caries and cracks.
  • It stops infections in the teeth.
  • It regains vitality to the tooth.
  • It prevents the infection from reaching the tissues at the root apex.
  • It prevents toothache and swelling.
  • It prevents the jawbone from being inflamed and corroded.
You will not be in danger of losing your teeth thanks to apicoectomy that removes root abscesses. When you pay attention to your oral and dental care after apicoectomy, you increase the success rate of the treatment.

What Should Be Considered After Apicoectomy?

You should be careful about complications after apicoectomy. Apicoectomy risks include opening of the teeth. Therefore, you should be careful about the wound site and not try to examine it. To reduce swelling, you should apply ice for 12-18 hours after the operation.
After apicoectomy, gargle with warm salt water or the preparate recommended by your doctor. Avoid extremely hot foods and do not chew for a few days.

Apicoectomy application fees

Apicoectomy surgery fees vary depending on the number of teeth to be applied, the size of the deformation of the teeth, and whether the patient needs different treatments. You can contact your dentist to get reliable information and learn the details of treatment.

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Datum der letzten Aktualisierung : 14/03/2025