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Causes Of Gingivitis

Causes Of Gingivitis

Source of Gingival Problems and Prevention

Gingivitis is one of the dental problems caused by plaques that also form the gingiva line and irritate the gingiva. Gingivitis, the earliest stage of gingival disease, can be treated before it turns into periodontal disease.
Gingivitis is usually resolved by longer and more frequent brushing and attention to oral health. Therefore, the person should be conscious of oral hygiene. When you experience symptoms such as bleeding gingiva, swelling of the gingiva and bad breath during tooth brushing, you should definitely contact your doctor.

Is The Source Of Gingivitis Genetic Or Oral Hygiene?

Causes of gingivitis vary from person to person. The increased risk of dental diseases due to age is also valid for gingivitis. Statistics show that 70 percent of people over the age of 65 suffer from either mild gingival disease. At the same time, gingivitis is more common in people who smoke, have family history of tooth inflammation problems and those who use drugs. Causes of gingivitis are generally:
  • Dental Plaques (Tartar): The most common cause of gingivitis is dental plaques. When dental hygiene is not taken into consideration, plaques form on the teeth and the gingiva weakens and then encounter diseases. Consuming sugary foods or having an crowded tooth also increases dental plaque.
  • Malnourishment: Food deficiencies such as vitamin C deficiency can cause gingivitis by reducing the rate of regeneration of gingiva cells. At the same time, malnutrition can prevent the gingiva from being strong enough.
  • Hormonal Changes: Processes that cause hormonal changes such as menopause, pregnancy and puberty are also among the causes of gingivitis. The rise and fall in hormones can make the gingiva vulnerable to bacteria.
  • Diseases: Diseases such as cancer that weaken the immune system can be among the causes of gingivitis. Treatments such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy used with these diseases can also have a negative effect on the gingiva.
Gingivitis is also seen in people who constantly breathe through the mouth. Gingivitis is also common in people who use crisis and high blood pressure medications, have organ transplants and use drugs that reduce saliva.

What Happens When Gingivitis Is Not Treated?

Greater consequences can occur when red and swollen gingiva, bleeding after brushing, white spots or plaques on the gingiva are ignored. Although gingivitis is a non-destructive type of periodontal disease, it must be treated.
When gingivitis is not treated, it causes problems such as bad breath, inflammation between teeth and gingiva, bad taste in the mouth, difficulty in eating, change in the closing of the mouth or tooth alignment, tooth loss, gingiva abscesses. You must contact your doctor to determine the source of gingivitis and the treatment method.

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