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Combined Tooth Whitening

Combined Tooth Whitening

Smile to Life With Your New Teeth!

Combined tooth whitening is an aesthetic solution recommended for people who are not satisfied with the colour of all their teeth. It is a method of whitening with oxygen, which is used to whiten the teeth of people whose teeth have changed colour for different reasons or to lighten the personal tooth colour a few tones.
In cases where the general form of the teeth is satisfied and the colour tone is not satisfied, the doctor is consulted.
The colouration of the teeth may occur as a result of the use of coffee, tea, tobacco, red wine and mouthwash for a long time, root canal treatment or trauma. Yellowing or graying of teeth that can be seen in all teeth can affect the social and professional life of the person.
Depending on the degree of colouration, the application time may vary with laser or other treatment equipment to be used in combination or for the total tooth whitening application.

How Is Combined Tooth Whitening Applied?

Total tooth whitening is a combination of home and clinical whitening methods. In some tooth staining, only the desired whiteness tone can be obtained by applying these two methods.

In which situations is whitening not applied?

Combined tooth whitening; It is not applied to large dental pulp, excessively corroded erosive teeth, restorations such as porcelain veneers in the mouth, women during pregnancy and lactation, people with hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide allergy, and individuals with poor oral hygiene. Also:
  • If there are structural disorders related to ivory and dentin in the teeth (amelogenesis imperfecta, dentinogenesis imperfecta)
  • Patients with extremely sensitive teeth (whitening can be applied after desensitizing treatments.)
  • Teeth with advanced tetracycline stains
  • People with broken, cracked, decayed teeth
  • Whitening is not applied in people whose gingiva are pulled too much and most of the roots are exposed.

Total tooth whitening is applied by activating the whitening gel with heat or light. First, the tartar and external discolouration on the tooth surface are cleaned. Then, a protective gel is applied to prevent the whitening gel from touching the gingiva. The whitening agent is applied to the tooth surfaces and activated for 20-30 minutes. Generally, the desired whiteness is achieved within 3-4 sessions.

Considerations After Whitening

There may be sensitivity in the teeth within 24 hours after the combined tooth whitening application. The pain reliever taken half an hour before and after the application will reduce this sensitivity. It is necessary not to eat or drink any coloured food for 24 hours in total tooth whitening application.
Doctors recommend not smoking for 24 hours after the application and then reducing smoking. Acidic beverages consumed after the application can increase sensitivity, so care should be taken not to consume acidic beverages after tooth whitening.

How long do whitened tooth retain their colour?

One of the wonders after total tooth whitening is the permanence of tooth whitening. Under normal conditions, your teeth retain their colour for an average of 2-3 years with the whitening application. However, if you consume excessive tea, coffee and cigarettes, this period will be shorter. You can get detailed information about the effect of tooth whitening and combined tooth whitening fees from your doctor.

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Datum der letzten Aktualisierung : 11/03/2025