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Healthy Teeth with the Right Dentist!

Healthy Teeth with the Right Dentist!

How Should Your Dentist Manage Your Treatment Process?

Choosing a dentist is not as easy as we think. Although dentist prices are the most effective factor in choosing a dentist today, most of us are wrong about this. We should care about our dentist's correct diagnosis and treatment, showing the necessary care for our controls, and offering modern and effective solutions, not treatment fees.
As Akkol Dental World, we provide services in our clinic with premium care services, advanced technology treatment equipment, up-to-date treatment methods and specialist dentists. Being aware of the importance of the right dentist in treatment, we choose our team from experts and experienced people who are constantly improving themselves, follow and apply innovations, and have strong patient communication.
How do you do it right, how to create, how to choose a dentist, treatment stages... our curiosity is designed to continue our article.

Appointment and First Examination - Meet the Dentists!

During dental treatment, you must first make an appointment. Dental assistants will help you with this. You can go to the first examination by making an appointment with the dentist you want to tell about your problem.The impression you get at the first examination is very important. Your dentist's approach to you, the importance he attaches to your problem and how seriously he listens to you are important.
At the first dental appointment, your teeth are filmed and root and dental problems are detected by performing an intraoral examination. You should be given detailed information about your dental health and treatment. If the dentist makes a cursory explanation and does not inform you, it would be beneficial to see a different dentist. The best dentist is the one who takes care of his patient in detail.
In our Akkol Dental World family, we welcome you with our modern clinical view and premium care rooms. In our private waiting room, our assistants will take care of you and ensure that your first dentist appoi,,ntment goes well. When you come to Akkol , you will encounter high standards of comfort and special attention.

Correct Diagnosis and Method

The dentist must make a correct diagnosis before proceeding to treatment applications. Misdiagnosis can even lead to complete loss of teeth. The method to be applied after the diagnosis should be completely specific to the person's problem. Appropriate treatments should be determined for problems in orthodontics, aesthetic dentistry, implants, fillings, gum diseases, prosthesis and other dentistry branches.
The dentist should provide information about the treatment process and the method to be used. It should also indicate how long the treatment will take. As Akkol Dental World, we draw up a detailed plan of your treatment together with expert dentists and use methods that suit your needs. We create your full oral health together with dentists from more than one branch.

Effective Treatment and Controls

After the diagnosis of the dentist, it is necessary to follow the appropriate steps for the treatment method. E.g; In orthodontic treatment, brackets should be attached and monthly controls should be followed according to the planned treatment time. In implant treatments, it is important that your dentist determines the implants to be prepared in accordance with your jaw structure and the number of tooth loss. In aesthetic dentistry applications, it is necessary to design your smile and to prepare veneers.
After the diagnosis of the dentist, it is necessary to follow the appropriate steps for the treatment method. E.g; In orthodontic treatment, brackets should be attached and monthly controls should be followed according to the planned treatment time. In implant treatments, it is important that your dentist determines the implants to be prepared in accordance with your jaw structure and the number of tooth loss. In aesthetic dentistry applications, it is necessary to design your smile and to prepare veneers.
Being aware of the importance of controls in dentistry practices, we increase the satisfaction of our patients with our post-treatment practices, while protecting their living standards. We try to prevent any problems after the treatment.

Choose Your Dentist Right To Increase Your Living Standards!

Dental health problems appear as a problem that affects your whole life. It interferes with your daily activities, from eating to talking. For this reason, you need to regain your health as soon as possible with dentist treatment and applications. If the dentist is an expert and competent in his field, he will provide you with a quality service from the first appointment to the end of the treatment. You can also be satisfied with the service you will receive thanks to the dentist who has developed himself in the field of education, received his expertise, follows the technology and applies it to his field, and has a healthy patient approach and communication.
You can visit us to meet the privileges of Akkol Dental World, to ask our dentist team what you have in mind, to examine our clinic and treatment departments, and to see patient satisfaction closely.

Yazar Hakkında
Dt. Tülay AKKOL
1992 yılında Gazi Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesinden mezun oldu. 1994 yılında Denizli de serbest muayenehaneciliğe başladı.ABD Las Vegas Instütüde Diş Hekimliğinde Lazer Eğitimi aldı. Gerek yurt içi gerekse yurt dışında olmak üzere (İtalya, Almanya, Kore, Singapur, İngiltere) İmplant Cerrahisi ve Estetik Diş Hekimliği konusunda ileri eğitimler aldı. Okul yıllarında ve sonrasında klinik çalışmaları sırasında 50’yi aşkın kongre, kurs, bilimsel seminer ve toplantılara katılımları olmuştur.



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Дата последнего обновления : 14/03/2025