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Jaw Cyst Symptoms and Treatment

Jaw Cyst Symptoms and Treatment

Do Jaw Cysts Turn into Cancer?

Jaw cysts are odontogenic (dental origin), pathogenic structures in any part of the jawbone or in the roots of the teeth. Jaw cysts, which generally originate from teeth, shows themselves with pain and swelling. In some patients, it can remain unnoticed for years and reach quite large sizes. When the desired improvement cannot be achieved with drugs, surgical intervention may be required.

Symptoms of a jaw cyst

Jaw cyst symptoms may be seen in some patients, maybe not. Pain, swelling in the area of the jawbone, discharge state by giving a tip into or out of the mouth, numbness due to the compression of the nerve by the cyst in the relevant area, shaking of the teeth in the area of the cyst, burning complaints in the area, tooth caries and root tip inflammation.
When jaw cyst symptoms are seen, it is absolutely necessary to contact the dentist for treatment. Otherwise, severe damage to bone tissues may occur with tooth loss.

How is Jaw Cyst Treatment Applied?

Treatment of jaw cyst is applied in two ways. It may be preferable to first remove the cyst completely. Secondly, the cyst is opened to shrink first, and when it shrinks, it is removed completely. The method of treatment is determined by the age of the patient, the area, size and type of the cyst. After the jaw cyst surgery, the cleaned cavity is completely covered with sutures.
The jaw cyst is figured out during the examination without the risk of cancer. Root canal treatment of teeth that cause cyst formation is performed. After the area of the cyst is numbed, the gingiva is lifted and the application is made by removing the least amount of bone as possible. Then, sutures are done and the bone is left to heal. General anesthesia is applied during the treatment of large jaw cysts.

What problems do jawbone cysts cause if it is untreated?

When jaw cyst symptoms are ignored, pain and swelling will become noticeable and painful. When not treated, it is seen that it causes numbness and burning conditions due to nerve compression.
  • Untreated or unnoticed cysts grow slowly over time, weakening the jawbone.
  • If the jaw cyst treatment is not applied, the jawbone may break even with the slightest trauma.
  • Jaw cysts caused by impacted teeth can also affect healthy adjacent teeth and cause tooth loss.
  • If jaw cyst treatment is not applied, cysts can put pressure on the nerves in the jawbone and cause numbness in the area where they are located.
Jaw cysts must be treated so that they are not dangerous for your general health condition. You should definitely contact your doctor when you have symptoms.

What are the Conditions to be Considered After Cyst Surgery?

After the jaw cyst surgery, care should be taken to avoid trauma to the area where the cyst is removed. Since jaw cyst treatment is a sensitive application, it is very important to care and clean it and not to open the sutures during the healing period.
With regular check-ups, it is necessary to evaluate whether the cysts occur again and to observe the healing status of the surgical area.

Does cyst form again after the operations?

Jaw cysts are completely healing formations that do not occur again. However, cyst formation can be seen in different parts of the jaw. It will be better to contact your dentist for information about jaw cyst surgery and risks.

Yazar Hakkında
Dt. Tülay AKKOL
1992 yılında Gazi Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesinden mezun oldu. 1994 yılında Denizli de serbest muayenehaneciliğe başladı.ABD Las Vegas Instütüde Diş Hekimliğinde Lazer Eğitimi aldı. Gerek yurt içi gerekse yurt dışında olmak üzere (İtalya, Almanya, Kore, Singapur, İngiltere) İmplant Cerrahisi ve Estetik Diş Hekimliği konusunda ileri eğitimler aldı. Okul yıllarında ve sonrasında klinik çalışmaları sırasında 50’yi aşkın kongre, kurs, bilimsel seminer ve toplantılara katılımları olmuştur.


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Dt. Tülay AKKOL

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Last Update Date : 13/03/2025