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Surgery For An Ideal Smile

Surgery For An Ideal Smile

Used in the treatment of gingival diseases, gingivectomy is the surgical removal of gingival tissue. For the gingiva that are diseased or desired to be treated for aesthetic reasons, gingival tissue is cleaned with gingivectomy and a dental filling or crown is placed on the tooth gingival line. Aesthetic problems arising from factors such as over-functioning smile muscles, having longer anatomy of the upper jaw, teeth with a short structure, and the effect of the nose structure on the upper lip shape are eliminated.
Gingivectomy surgery also eliminates gingival problems that cannot be cleaned by tooth brushing and caused by food between the gingiva. Thanks to gingivectomy, dental health problems are also eliminated besides the gingiva appear excessively.

How Is Gingivectomy Applied?

For those who say how to apply gingivectomy before treatment, dentists will emphasize that the application is painless. Some patients worry that they will not like their teeth after gingivectomy. Before gingivectomy, tartar cleaning and root surface straightening may be required to remove tartar from the gingiva. Then, the procedure will be started with local anesthesia.
While gingivectomy is performed, the gingiva is shaped with some special surgical tools or devices such as cautery and laser. Gingivectomy can take between a few minutes and 1 hour depending on the number of teeth to be treated. After the procedure, a protective bandage is placed on the gingiva and this bandage remains on the gingiva for 10 days. This bandage applied has no harm to eating or drinking. At the end of 10 days, the patient's treatment is completed. The gingiva regains their normal appearance within 3-4 weeks, but 2-3 months will be required for the tissue to heal completely. Patient will have a healthy and aesthetic smile.
Gingivectomy is an application without any harms. The application, which enables the patient to have the ideal smile, eliminates aesthetic concerns. Thanks to the advantages of gingivectomy, the patient's social relationships are stronger. 

What to Do After Treatment

We said that a protective bandage was placed over the gingiva after gingivectomy. While this bandage is on the teeth, the patient should eat soft foods and avoid spicy and crispy foods. The dentist will recommend the patient a pain reliever and a chlorhexidine mouthwash, and care should be taken by using them.
Care should be taken to keep the patient's mouth clean during healing process after gingivectomy. Brushing should not be done while the gingiva is on the protective bandage. However, teeth in all remaining areas should be brushed and flossed. When the necessary care is taken after the treatment, the healing time will be shortened and a healthier smile will be achieved. 

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Дата последнего обновления : 14/03/2025