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Dental implants are artificial tooth structures acting like tooth root to replace missing tooth. Dental implant treatment is a pretty popular dental treatment. In this article, we are going to cover types of dental implants.
Types Of Dental Implants

Types Of Dental Implants

Dental implants are artificial tooth structures acting like tooth root to replace missing tooth. Dental implant treatment is a pretty popular dental treatment. In this article, we are going to cover types of dental implants.

Single Tooth Dental Implant

Single tooth dental implants are a dental implant variation that serves the purpose of replacing a missing tooth. This type of implant involves a small, screw-shaped post made of biocompatible materials, which is inserted into the jawbone via a surgical procedure. Upon successful implantation, a dental crown is affixed to the top of the post, mimicking the appearance and function of a natural tooth. Single tooth implants are highly favored by patients because they offer a lasting solution that restores the natural look and function of a tooth, without interferin with the neighboring teeth.


Single tooth dental implants are versatile medical devices. So, single tooth dental implants can be used on a single tooth to place a crown.

Improved Dental Health

Single tooth dental implants can effect your current and future oral health. If your teeth has gaps or you have crooked teeth, single tooth dental implants can help you to avoid future complications.
Tooth implants are also comfortable devices. They are recapping of your missing tooth when they are surgically implanted.
Sıngle Tooth Dental Implants Blend Seamlessly:
Thanks to the advanced dental technologies and materials, single tooth implants look and feel like natural teeth.

Implant Supported Bridge

Implant supported bridges involve inserting titanium screws into the jawbone for each missing tooth instead of grinding down the neighboring teeth to make crowns.
They Prevent Bone Loss:
Implant supported bridges prevent the bone loss in the jaw in addition to replacing the roots of missing teeth.
They Are Like Natural:
A conventional bridge only replaces the part of a missing teeth that is visible, but there is aditional tooth structure beneath the surface that is often overlooked. In contrast, implant supported bridges replace both the visible part and the roots of the missing teeth, providing greater stability.

Full Mouth Accrylic

Full mouth acrylic dentures are dental devices made of plastic type of materials. Acrylic is a material in creation of dentures.
Easy Usage:
You can put them in and out of your mouth at any time.
Easy Altering:
You can easily alter such as adding another tooth.

Full Mouth Arch Dental Implants

Full mouth arch dental implants are dental devices that replacing an entire arch of missing teeth. They look and feel like natural teeth.
Full mouth arch dental implants has long lasting usage and easier options.

How Long Do Dental Implants Last?

Dental implants can last lifetime with a proper dental care.

The Procedure Of Dental Implant Surgery

Initial Consultation:
First of all, you should schedule a consultation with your cosmetic or general dentist to discuss your treatment plan and medical history. To determine whether dental implants are a good way or not for you, the dentist will examine your teeth and gum condition.
Tooth Preparation:
After the dental treatment plan has been decided, the dentist will get your mouth ready for the implant procedure. This may involve taking panoramic x-ray and molds of your teeth and gums. Additionally, the dentist will provide local anesthesia to make sure that you are at ease durigng the procedure.
Implant Placement:
Next, the dentist will create a small cut in your gums to uncover the bone underneath. They will drill a hole into the bone to make room for the implant. The implant will be positioned into the hole and fixed securely in place.
Healing Process - Osseintegration:
Following the implant placement, the dentist will stitch up the incision and pu a protective cap on the implant. Then, you will have to wait for some time to let the implant heal and integrate with the nearby bone, which is called osseointegration. This usually takes a few months.
Abutment Placement:
After the implant has integrated with the bonei the dentist will create a new incision in your gums to uncover the implant. They will attach a small connector, called an abutment, to the implant im prder to support the replacement tooth.
Replacement Tooth Placement:
Finally, the replacement tooth, or crown, will be attached to the abutment. The dentist will ensure that the crown fits properly and is securely attached to the abutment.

Do You Have Missing Tooth?

As Akkol Dental Clinic, we have given best dental treatment services for both local and international patients since 1994. If you have any questions about types of dental implants, please remember you can discuss with our professional dental team at any time.

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Дата последнего обновления : 14/03/2025