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Zirconia crowns are a type of dental crown made from zirconium dioxide, a white powdered ceramic material. They are stronger than porcelain and some metal alloys, and their strength allows for thinner dental crowns than those made with metals. Zirconia crowns are translucent and have a tooth-like appearance that can match the color of natural teeth
Zırconıa Crowns: Features, Pros And Cons

Zırconıa Crowns: Features, Pros And Cons

Zirconia crowns are a type of dental crown made from zirconium dioxide, a white powdered ceramic material. They are stronger than porcelain and some metal alloys, and their strength allows for thinner dental crowns than those made with metals. Zirconia crowns are translucent and have a tooth-like appearance that can match the color of natural teeth

What is Zirconia Dental Crown?

Zirconia crowns are a type of dental crown made from zirconium dioxide, a white powdered ceramic material. They are stronger than porcelain and some metal alloys, and their strength allows for thinner dental crowns than those made with metals. Zirconia crowns are translucent and have a tooth-like appearance that can match the color of natural teeth

What Are Zirconia Crown Advantages?

Zirconia crowns are very strong and can endure a lot of pressure without cracking or chipping. They are almost as strong as metal crowns so if you care about strenght, zirconia crowns are good choice.
Just like they are almost strong as metal crowns, they are also last as long as metal crowns too. If they are taken care of proparly, zirconia crowns can last around 20-25 years.
Zirconia crowns are the best choice if you want your teeth to look like your natural teeth. Metal and gold crowns are of course not preferrable for appearance. Porcelain crowns are the common choice for natural look but they still still lack the transmission of light so they still don't look exactly like a tooth. But zirconia crowns, with their transparent structure, are the best type of crowns if you are aiming for the most natural look.

What Are Zirconia Disadvantages?

Zirconia crowns may have a higher cost compared to other types of dental crowns, like metal or porcelain-fused-to metal crowns.
Difficulty of Fabrication
Creating a well-fitted zirconia crown is more challenging tha making other types of crowns, and it demans special equipment and expertise.
Potential For Wearing on Opposing Teeth
The hardness and durability of zirconia crowns can cause them to excessively wear down the opposing teeth, potentially leading to damage to the natural teeth over an extended period.
Lack of Transparency
Zirconia crowns may not have the same level of transparency as natural teeth and can appear dull or opaque under certaing lighting conditions.
Difficult To Adjust
Once zirconia crowns are fitted, they can be challenging to adjust in the mouth, making it difficult to achieve the desired fit or bite alignment.

Who is Good Candidate For Zirconia Crowns?

Zirconica crowns can be a good choice for indiviudals who need to repair a damaged tooth, want a crown that matches their natural teeth, have metal sensitivites, prefer a durable crown, have a history of teeth grinding or clenching, or want to improve the appearance of a tooth in a visible area. However, it is important for a qualified dentist to assess the patient's oral health and indiviudal dental needs to determine if zirconia crowns are the most suitable option.

How Long Do Zirconia Crowns Last?

With a proper dental care, zirconia crowns can last up to 2o years.

What is The Success Rate Of Zirconia Crowns?

The success rate of zirconia crowns are above 95%.

What is the Difference Between Zirconia Crowns and Porcelain Crowns?

There are some differences between zirconia crowns and porcelain crowns. The most important difference is their strenght. Zirconia crowns are considerably stronger than porcelain crowns and they won't likely to crack under pressure.

What is The Difference Between Zirconia Crowns and Porcelain Fused To Metal Crowns?

Porcelain fused to metal crowns are the combination of a good look (porcelain) and better strenght (metal). So they are a good combination. But one important problem is that the more time passes, a part of the metal in the crown can be visible so the appearance might get worse and worse. So although it will be strong and durable, their look will still be bad.
On the other hand, zirconia crowns are not only strong but they also look like the natural teeth. Even if the porcelain fused to metal crowns don't show their metal parts, porcelain still doesn't look as natural as zirconia.

How Much Do Zirconia Dental Crowns Cost?

Zirconia crowns are more expensive than other types of crowns. In US, a crown will cost around 800-1800 dollars whereas in UK it will cost around 700-1000 euros. However in Turkey, it costs around 150-350 euros. So if you are getting crowns in Turkey, it might be a good idea to choose zirconia since the price difference compared to other types are not that much.

Yazar Hakkında
Dt. Tülay AKKOL
1992 yılında Gazi Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesinden mezun oldu. 1994 yılında Denizli de serbest muayenehaneciliğe başladı.ABD Las Vegas Instütüde Diş Hekimliğinde Lazer Eğitimi aldı. Gerek yurt içi gerekse yurt dışında olmak üzere (İtalya, Almanya, Kore, Singapur, İngiltere) İmplant Cerrahisi ve Estetik Diş Hekimliği konusunda ileri eğitimler aldı. Okul yıllarında ve sonrasında klinik çalışmaları sırasında 50’yi aşkın kongre, kurs, bilimsel seminer ve toplantılara katılımları olmuştur.



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Дата последнего обновления : 14/03/2025